
Welcome to  Better Life  

We are bloggers who live a healthy and joyful life or are currently moving in that direction.

Here is what you will find on this blog : 

  • Practical tips to enrich your life by simple means.
  • We update the blog regularly to get the best information as per our knowledge and experience, to share our views and tips for a better life.
I have started this blog, along with my friends on  December 1st, 2019 and have been working on it to improve and provide the best information I can. 

In case you want some other details, feel free to drop an email or comment, after all everybody requires support,  guidance, and appreciation.

Don’t we??

I hope, something which has started as a bit of fun, will turn out to be the biggest life-changing experience for me and many others. 

With your readership, the blog is going to get popular and better over the days.

Thanks and keep visiting....

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